Tuesday 30 July 2013

Today, 30th July, 2013, the FolksLAW blog debuts.

FolksLAW is a young father's engagement of his nation: the standards - legal, ethical, industrial, customary -behind the stories that are reshaping its native folklore.

I write as a self imposed service to my generation. I write also as a trust, for my very young children - if ever they ask, twenty years hence: "what did our father say to all this, in his time?."

This column would dwell on stories that most of us can relate to. Stories already in the public space and the stories that need to be in the public space.

This blog would try to speak for people who think like I do, at a time when there are many dubious voices and platforms stridently declaring their speakership on our corporate behalf on key issues: people who by their antecedents, exposures, convictions, commitments and knowledge, are capable of little except well-intentioned misrepresentation.

And so, I speak - to help those with good intentions, contend with those with mischievous intentions and strengthen the voice of those driven by so much more than  mere intentions.

My writings would bespeak me: my faith, my training and my conviction. My commentaries would draw from my privileged exposure to the educational, legal, development, public and private sectors of Nigeria. Years on the farm, in the markets of Aba, in classrooms across several states of this country would not be disdained in my commentaries.

I hope to keep my writings true: that they would portray my deep love for my nation, its People and God - as revealed through Jesus.

This blog would also make space for efforts by other people committed to non-mercenary writings. Even if they disagree with me.

There are too many sour gripes and wordy-swords across this land already. And that is why I write. I believe (and Heaven help me to prove true) that my writing would be for  this corner of the earth - salt and light. That's the standard this blog must be judged me by. At all times.

Sam Eleanya